
Please click on the links below to view our policies

Accessibility Plan

Accident/incident and near miss policy

Admissions Policy 2023-2024

Admissions Policy 2024-2025

Admissions Policy 2025-2026

Adverse Weather Policy

Anti-Bullying Policy

Attendance Policy

Behavioural Policy

Biometrics Policy

Careers Policy

CCTV Policy

Charging and Remissions Policy

Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy

Addendum to the Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy

Children Missing Education Policy

CLA Policy

Complaints Policy

Data Protection and Freedom of Information Policy

Drugs, Alcohol and Tobacco Policy

Email Retention Policy

Equality and Diversity Policy and General Equality Duty

Fire Safety Policy

First Aid Policy

Health and Safety Statement of Intent

Health and Safety Policy – Responsibilities and Local Arrangements

Health and Safety Training and Induction Policy

Managing Allegations of Abuse Against Staff Policy

Off-Site Education Policy

OAT Complaints Privacy Notice

OAT Employees Privacy Notice

OAT Privacy Notice for Members Trustees and Governors

OAT Pupil and Parents Privacy Notice

OAT Surveillance Systems Privacy Notice

Photography and Video Policy

Photography and Video Consent Form

Provider Access Policy Statement

Records Retention Policy

Remote Learning and Intervention Policy

RSE and HE Policy

RSE and He Secondary from 1 September 2024

Searching Screening and Confiscation Policy

SEND Policy

Social Media Policy

Special Category Data Policy

Supporting Students with Medical Needs Policy

Suspension and Exclusion Policy

Teaching of Literacy Policy

TAUP Staff and Stakeholders

Technology Acceptable use Agreement for Older Children

Uniform Policy

Whistleblowing Policy