Parent Payment and Booking System

Paying for hot and cold food during the school day

The biometric system uses the fingerprint of the student and the software calculates a huge digital number from the image, and it is the number itself which is stored as a personal identification number. The actual fingerprint image is NOT stored. When a student uses the fingerprint scanner, the scanner recalculates the number and recognises the student. Such software is now being used worldwide as a means of providing additional personal security.

Students and parents can be reassured that this system has a very high level of security and that it is not possible to reconstruct the original fingerprint. The system does contain an option for the use of a PIN number instead of the bio-metric for those students whose parents specifically advise the academy of their objection to the use of the biometrics.

More information can be found by accessing our Biometrics Policy

Free School Meals

Can we use this opportunity to remind and encourage parents and carers to register for their entitlement for Free School Meals to ensure that students are able to access meals and the catering facilities. The new cashless system will automatically add students with the entitlement and not distinguish them from other students.

Information on the application process can be found on the Norfolk School’s website: Free school meals – Norfolk County Council

If you require additional information please contact the academy office.